CEUL029282 - I Survived, Now What? Treating the Musculoskeletal Consquences of Maturing with a Chronic Health Condition

Offered By
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital

235 Wealthy St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI  49503  USA

Course Description:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. Describe the relationship between chronic health conditions (pediatric and adult), atypical motor plans for breathing and/or postural stability, and the development of secondary musculoskeletal deficits.
2. Screen for musculoskeletal abnormalities, inadequate core stabilization strategies and compensatory breathing patterns that may contribute to the abnormal alignment of the ribcage, trunk and/or spine secondary to pediatric and adult chronic health conditions.
3. Develop and demonstrate musculoskeletal mobilization and soft tissue techniques of the ribcage, trunk and spine to correct or minimize these deformities.
4. Develop subsequent treatment plans for neuromuscular retraining that is focused on simultaneously optimizing breathing, core stabilization and postural development across the lifespan in order to minimize long-term secondary postural impairments.

Course Dates To Be Offered:

Feb 8, 2019 to Feb 8, 2019 | Grand Rapids MI
Feb 9, 2019 to Feb 9, 2019 | Grand Rapids MI
Feb 10, 2019 to Feb 10, 2019 | Grand Rapids MI


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