CEUL030995 - Beyond Pain Education: Novel Psychosocial Interventions for Manual Therapists

Offered By
Merrill Performance

2406 30th Street
Boulder, CO  80301  USA

Course Description:

Beyond Pain Education: Course Description

Physical Therapists and other skilled manual therapists are poised and well positioned to not only treat chronic pain, but to prevent, and even cure it, altogether. Pain neuroscience education is a critical first step in the process of implementing this massive paradigm shift into clinical practice. However, novel clinically relevant and evidence informed psychosocial strategies can significantly improve outcomes and are easily integrated with pain science education, manual therapies, and movement. “Beyond Pain Education” teaches clinicians how to take the next logical step in treating pain and dysfunction.

Charlie Merrill, PT and Howard Schubiner, MD will help you diversify your clinical skills to better treat and prevent chronic pain. Clinicians will learn novel and evidence informed psychosocial clinical strategies to reduce fear, identify barriers to healing, move pain sufferers through emotional barriers, and change people’s lives. “Beyond Pain Education” aims to teach clinicians how to integrate and synthesize best practice manual therapies with somatic tracking, cognitive soothing, pain reprocessing, and emotional expression therapies.

Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, and Yoni Ashar’s original research (out of Tor Wager’s fMRI lab at the University of Colorado, Boulder) promises the most robust results of any clinical intervention available in the treatment of pain to date. Please join Charlie Merrill and Howard Schubiner to learn more about how to empower yourself and your clients toward a pain free and fulfilling future. This powerful one day introductory course will change the way you practice starting the day you get back to the clinic.


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